The #1 Habit for Better Sleep, Less Stress and Greater Productivity!

Hey everyone and Happy Monday!

I’ve got a special Motivational Monday for you today! I am going to share the BEST practice that I have found to help you move closer to your goals, whether they be health goals or life goals, while also getting you in touch with the very best things that are happening in your life right now. This practice will also reduce your stress levels and help you get more restful, restorative sleep.

The great part is that you don’t have to buy anything or cook anything. All this requires is about five minutes of your evening time, before you go to sleep. It is easy, fun and will absolutely make a difference in the way you feel about your day and your life while helping you take actionable steps to move you closer to the health and life you dream of.

Once you have watched the video, I want to hear from you!! Are you a client of mine who has embraced this practice and find it to be useful? If so, in what way? Are you sleeping better? Eating better? Getting more done? Let me know! And if you have never tried this before, I challenge you to give it one week of practice and then let me know what happened in the process- I bet you will find that you feel happier and more productive from giving it a try!

As always, I am excited to hear your feedback! It thrills me to get your notes and comments and know that the information you are learning is helping you feel better and look better. I think you will find today’s MM will offer a great tip for continued motivation.

Have a great Monday and a wonderful week!