Recipes for a Healthy Labor Day!

Good morning and Happy Labor Day for those of you in the States! Everyone else, Happy Monday 🙂

We’re down to the last official weekend of the Summer and as always, it’s gone too fast. But as we head into Autumn, my favorite season, I am looking forward to the crisp cool air of Fall, not to mention apples and cranberry beans, squash and brussel sprouts…. Nothing like harvest season.

If you’re enjoying your Labor Day on the beach or at home with a barbecue, then I wanted to remind you of some simple recipes you can make today to help you have a healthy Labor Day and kick off the school year in a positive way. Instead of potato chips or pretzels, why not try Marinated Olives or Kale Chips for your appetizers? If you want something more substantial than that, you can make this easy 3-bean salad in no time. If chips are a must have for the kids in your life, then perhaps get organic corn chips and pair it with this amazing Guacamole.

Tomatoes are widely available now, particularly the heirloom kind, which I am partial to because of their diverse colors and flavors. With it you can make Pasta Roma or a refreshing Gazpacho. You can also get sun-dried tomatoes and make this outstanding Sun-dried Tomato Pesto that you can use as a dip or to make my favorite dish of all time, Pizza Salad. All these dishes get raves at my parties.

Finish off guilt-free with a healthy dessert. My personal favorite is Raw Ice Cream but you can also try Chocolate Covered Strawberries or Banana Chips. For something richer and a little more decadent, try the Truffle Balls, always an outstanding choice.

Whatever you do, stay well and happy. Take care of yourself and relish every single minute of these waning days of summer… the sunshine of it is just brilliant, isn’t it?

Happy Labor Day and happy Monday!